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Bewick, Thomas.
A Memoir of Thomas Bewick, Written by Himself.
Publisher: Printed by Robert Ward for Jane Bewick/ Longman, Green, Longman, and Roberts, Newcastle-on-Tyne & London;
Date of publication: 1862
FIRST EDITION. Small quarto, pp. xix, [1], 344. 3 plates including frontispiece of Cherryburn, vignette to title page and numerous engravings throughout, including 16 illustrations of fish to Appen...
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 The Works of Thomas Bewick: Vol. I Select Fables, Vol. II Quadrupeds, Vol. III Land Birds, Vol. IV Water Birds & Vol. V Fables of Aesop and Others [5 volume set].  Bewick, Thomas.
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Bewick, Thomas.
The Works of Thomas Bewick: Vol. I Select Fables, Vol. II Quadrupeds, Vol. III La...
Publisher: Emerson Charnley, Newcastle upon Tyne;
Date of publication: 1818
Select Fables, First Printing 1820; Quadrupeds, Seventh Edition 1820; Land Birds 1826, Water Birds 1826 (the best edition of the Birds and the last published during Bewick’s lifetime); Fables of Ae...
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